Base - Technique - Safety Length - Intermediate

Safety Length – Routine 2

Deeper dive into Safety Length.  These 4 drills focus on returning harder shots, using different stances, and returning to the T.

Remember, this is a Defensive shot that is giving you time to return to the T.

Don’t lean too far over with your upper body. Instead, bend your knees lower and stay in the posture as you hit the safety length.

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#1. - Backcourt Attack into Safety

Srallydeep, Sattdeep, Ssafe
  1. Feed: Rally length into back court
  2. Return: Attack length into back court
  3. Return: Safety length


Get low and stabilize body/posture on lower attacking lengths.

#2. Midcourt Attack into Safety

Smid, Sattdeep, Ssafe
  1. Feed: Straight feed into mid-court
  2. Return: Attack length into backcourt
  3. Return: Safety length

Use alternative stances (closed/open) for safety length returns.

#3. Crosscourt Midcourt Attack into Safety

Smid, Xattdeep, Ssafe
  1. Feed: Straight feed into mid-court
  2. Return: Crosscourt attack length into backcourt
  3. Return: Safety length

Different angles and different stances for safety length returns.

#4. Safety Length Continous - Return to T

Srallydeep, Sattdeep, Ssafe - move to T
  1. Feed: Rally length into backcourt
  2. Return: Attack length into backcourt
  3. Return: Safety length - Move towards the T

Focus on quickness and movement back towards the T.